Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Purposes of Photography 2


I found this picture at and I think this image well represents control well because he shows he is calm in front of authority. Both of these images they both look calm and they are in control by the authority so they dont try to escape.

I found this photo at and I think this photo well represents Inform because it informs you about all of the things that could happen and you not knowing. For the Tornado picture it informs you of what can happen anywhere and at anytime around the world and you not knowing.


I found this photo at and at I think this photo well represents Advertisement because it is advertising a product and this is a pretty good picture. For the MC Donald's picture it well represents advertisement because it shows their top selling items.


I found this photo at and at I think this photo well represents educate because it is a book and you learn thing in the book and a school is where you leran different subjects.


I found this photo at and at I think this photo well represents entertain because there is a bunch of different video game consoles and video games entertain you music also entertains you because you don't get as bored and time goes by faster.

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